Shalman Dentistry

Invisalign Braces in Lower Manhattan, NYC

Invisalign is a nearly invisible orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth without braces. If you're looking for an "Invisalign dentist near me," check out Shalman Dentistry. Dr. Alex Shalman is an Invisalign dentist in Downtown Manhattan who's received specialized training and certification. At his boutique dentistry practice serving the West Village, East Village, and Chelsea neighborhoods, Dr. Shalman gives you the attention you need during the Invisalign process. For teenagers and adults who want straighter teeth without metal braces, Invisalign is an ideal solution to complete a thorough smile makeover. Take advantage of this cutting-edge technology and call Dr. Shalman today for an appointment.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic option for straightening teeth without braces. Using this approach, misaligned teeth are slowly moved into place using comfortable, removable and virtually invisible clear aligners. It’s a revolutionary method of teeth straightening with no metal wires or brackets.

To get the best treatment from a trained, certified Invisalign dentist in Downtown NYC, visit the boutique practice of Dr. Alex Shalman. In Dr. Shalman, you have a dentist who’s focused on improving both the health and appearance of your smile because he’s both a family dentist and is among the best New York cosmetic dentists. And because he runs a boutique practice, he can give you the attention you deserve at every visit.

How Can I Straighten Teeth without Braces?

When you rely on Dr. Shalman, you’ll be fully prepared to begin and complete the Invisalign process. You’ll be well-armed with all the important information you need to make a decision about whether the aligners fit in with your lifestyle and your goals, including:

If you’re unhappy with crooked teeth and avoid smiling for photos because of self-consciousness, Invisalign may be the answer you’re looking for. It’s an ideal solution for adults and adolescents who don’t want to wear ugly metal braces. Invisalign straightens your teeth without most people noticing.

Why Consider Invisalign for Teeth Straightening?

Crooked teeth can cause problems that go beyond your appearance. When teeth are misaligned, they’re difficult to clean, which can lead to a greater chance of tooth decay or eventual tooth loss. If you’re reluctant to get traditional braces, reasons to consider Invisalign include:

  • They’re virtually invisible and less likely to be noticed by others.
  • They’re removeable; you take them out to eat and brush. You do need to wear them for 20 to 22 hours a day.
  • There’s no need to avoid foods that you love, like apples, corn on the cob and other foods that braces forbid.
  • Invisalign pain is minimal compared to traditional braces. Aligners are comfortable and safe with no metal wires or sharp edges to irritate the inside of your mouth. Without braces, there’s no chance of food getting stuck in the device.

Traditional braces make brushing and flossing difficult. With Invisalign, you’re able to brush and floss your teeth normally. You aren’t likely to see an increase in cavities. Another benefit of Invisalign teeth straightening is that treatment time is shorter than traditional braces, usually lasting six to 18 months, depending on how much straightening your teeth need.

Invisalign in Lower Manhattan

What Types of Dental Problems Does Invisalign Correct?

Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces for treating several types of misalignment problems with your teeth or your bite. It’s especially popular with adults who would rather not have traditional braces for cosmetic reasons. Dental problems that Invisalign may be able to correct, depending on the severity, include:

  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Crowded teeth
  • Open bite
  • Gaps between teeth

The most important part of correcting bite or spacing problems is having the treatment plan prepared by a practitioner who has the expertise and experience to know what’s possible. This is what you’ll find when you trust Dr. Shalman with your alignment problems and other dental care.

What Does a Treatment Plan with Invisalign Involve?

The first step to teeth straightening with Invisalign is to set up a consultation with your Invisalign dentist. Once your cosmetic dentist determines that Invisalign is right for you, the steps of your treatment plan typically include:

  • Taking an impression of your teeth using x-rays and digital technology
  • Creating your unique aligners out of extra-strong clear plastic
  • Wearing your aligners 20 to 22 hours a day
  • Changing to new aligners every one or two weeks as determined by your dentist

Your teeth shift gradually during this process, but you may begin seeing results in a matter of weeks. You need to visit your invisalign dentist regularly to be sure your teeth are moving as planned and to pick up your next set or two of aligners.

Invisalign Near Me: Get a Straight Smile Without Metal Braces at Shalman Dentistry

When seeking Invisalign treatment as a discreet and convenient way to achieve a straighter smile without traditional braces, choosing a qualified specialist for Invisalign is crucial because their expertise ensures the best possible results. A skilled Invisalign provider can accurately assess your needs, create a customized treatment plan, and monitor your progress throughout the journey.

This level of specialized care not only guarantees effective teeth alignment but also safeguards your oral health. By selecting a qualified Invisalign specialist, you're investing in a beautiful, well-aligned smile with the peace of mind that comes from professional guidance throughout the treatment process.

How to Find a Dentist Offering Invisalign Near You

There are several options if you're trying to find the most skilled and reliable Invisalign dentist in Manhattan, New York City:

  • Seek advice from your family, friends, and colleagues.
  • Search for "invisalign braces near me," "invisalign dentist near me," or "best Invisalign dentist near me."
  • Look for reviews of nearby dentists on the internet.

After narrowing down your list of preferred providers, make an appointment with several different dentists to determine which one is best suited for you.

If you are interested in Invisalign, the first step is to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists. During your consultation, we will examine your teeth and discuss your treatment goals. We will also develop a customized treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results.

Why Choose Shalman Dentistry

  • Dr. Alex Shalman is a highly experienced dentist dedicated to providing the highest standard of care. Shalman Dentistry's team specializes in Invisalign treatment, ensuring you receive expert guidance and personalized attention throughout your journey to a straighter smile.
  • We utilize cutting-edge technology and techniques to achieve optimal results, all within a comfortable and welcoming environment.

If you are interested in Invisalign, contact Shalman Dentistry today to schedule a consultation. We will be happy to answer your questions and help you determine if Invisalign is the right choice for you.

Invisalign Teeth Straightening Before and After
Invisalign Teeth Straightening Before and After

Cutting-edge Visualization Technology

iTero Element 5D | Invisalign Scanner

In our practice we use the latest technologies available on the market in the USA including the iTero Element 5D.

Befits of iTero Element 5D imaging system are:

  • Near-infrared imaging (NIRI) technology can scan the internal structure of the teeth in real-time.
  • 3D digital impressions
  • Interproximal caries detection
  • No harmful radiation
  • Simulation capability

Where Can I Get Invisalign in Downtown NYC?

Your smile can be transformed by Invisalign under the care of Dr. Alex Shalman at his boutique dental practice in Downtown Manhattan, serving all of Lower Manhattan, including the West Village, East Village and Chelsea neighborhoods.

(212) 658-1093

Dr. Shalman also offers an array of cosmetic dentistry services, in addition to teeth straightening. At his boutique practice, you can get teeth whitening and dental bonding, as well as family dentistry for routine care and emergency dental care when you need it. Contact Dr. Shalman today for an initial consultation.

Updated on Nov 21, 2023 by Dr. Alex Shalman (Dentist) of Shalman Dentistry

Shalman Dentistry
44 W 10th St #1A
New York, NY 10011
(10th St, between 5th & 6th Avenue)
(212) 658-1093
Get Directions (Map)

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